You’ve done some research and you realised that a college is not just a college. You know that there are different kinds of colleges and that they do not all teach you in the same way.
Some colleges are accredited and some are not. Some colleges let you study on your own time from home. Other colleges offer face to face, classroom education.
When deciding on which college to register with, you have a lot of things to think about:An accredited College is a college that has got official recognition as a registered education provider. If a College wants to become accredited, it has to pass lots of tests to make sure that it will offer good quality education to its students. An accredited College tells you that the college meets certain minimum standards, such as having approved learning material etc. An accredited College has to make very sure that it must keep on meeting those standards. Accredited colleges can lose their accreditation if they start to fall below those standards.
The award you get from an accredited college will be recognised (by other institutions and businesses). Because your award is from an accredited college, people will know that your education comes from a college that offers high quality education.
You absolutely have to find out if a college is accredited before you register with themYou most probably want to register with a College that an excellent reputation? Do some internet research about the College you are thinking about registering with. You will soon find out about that college’s reputation!
What will happen if you only want to register for a single subject? You might be forced to pay the price of a full qualification, even though you only want to study a single subject. Make sure you research how much you will have to pay in total when you register with a college.
You need to be able to register with a college that is actually happy to provide their services to their students In terms of the contact information for a college:
As the person searching for a college, YOU are responsible for getting all the information you need. You need to make sure that the college will be able to meet your needs.
Useful Website:
If you are considering registering with a college, why not consider registering with College SA. Click HERE to find out why you should choose College SA!